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  • Overview
  • How it works?
  • Resources

Stripe is one of the leading payment gateway providers in the market. It allows safe and efficient payment processing of online funds via card payments or bank transfers, thereby helping businesses in managing their transactions at ease. It supports varied payment methods including credit and debit cards, checks, UPI-based payments, "buy now pay later" services, all of which in multiple currencies. Stripe also helps to ease the processes like invoicing, taxing and financial management in your application. It allows buyers to save their financial information securely with the merchants for future purchases, if required. You will need a Stripe account of your own while using the Stripe Payment Integration CodeLib solution. You can register one by clicking here.

Note: Before installing any Catalyst CodeLib solution, please make sure to login to the Catalyst CLI using your Catalyst account by following the steps mentioned in here.

The Stripe Payment Integration CodeLib solution leverages the payment capability of Stripe by using the functionalities bundled in the Stripe SDK package. This CodeLib solution gathers all the checkout information from Catalyst end, sends it to Stripe, and re-directs the user to the Stripe dashboard to process the payment. Upon the successful completion or failure of the payment in Stripe, the payment status is rendered back in the Catalyst application. Catalyst uses a unique secret key to access an individual Stripe account.

To get a detailed understanding of the CodeLib solution's working, refer to the README file in this Git repository that contains the source code of the Stripe Payments Integration CodeLib solution.

The Catalyst resources listed below are pre-configured and will be auto-populated in your current project upon the installation of the Stripe Payment Integration CodeLib solution. To know more about the usage of each of the components included in the CodeLib solution please refer to the README file.