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  • Overview
  • How it works?
  • Resources

Zoho CRM is one of the leading customer relationship management solutions that helps you streamline your business processes, manage and scale vast amounts of customer data, capture leads, automate workflows, boost end-to-end customer engagement and perform other operations that hugely benefit the sales team broaden their reach and close deals faster. With an ample amount of advantages, Zoho CRM enhances the communication and collaboration aspect of your business to a great extent.

Note: Before installing any Catalyst CodeLib solution, please make sure to login to the Catalyst CLI using your Catalyst account by following the steps mentioned in here.

The Zoho CRM Bulk Import CodeLib solution supports cross-application data migration using which you can seamlessly transfer CSV files with bulk data to any of the standard modules in Zoho CRM such as Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Invoices, Vendors, Products and more. This CodeLib leverages the Bulk File Upload API of Zoho CRM to perform the File Upload operations

Note: To get a detailed understanding of the CodeLib solution's working, refer to the README file in this Git repository that contains the source code of the Zoho CRM Bulk Import CodeLib solution.

The Catalyst resources listed below are pre-configured and will be auto-populated in your current project upon the installation of the Zoho CRM Bulk Import CodeLib solution. To know more about the usage of each of the components included in the CodeLib solution please refer this Readme file.