

It’s important to remember the following details to implement and utilize the Users section effectively:

  • ZUID: ZUID is the unique identification of a Zoho user account for individual application. It is automatically created for an end-user when they sign-up for your application.

  • UserID: UserID is the unique identification of an end-user, limited to Catalyst alone and not applicable to other Zoho services. This is also automatically created for an end-user when they sign up for your application.

  • Org ID: Org ID is the unique identification of the organization that an end-user belongs to. This identification is generated when the end-user is added through the Add User API or through the Add User button in the console. If the Org ID is not specified while adding the user, Catalyst will automatically generate a unique Org ID for that particular user.

Note:The organization of a user cannot be changed later, once it is associated with their account.
  • An end-user can sign up to any number of Catalyst applications; a unique ZUID and Org ID will be created each time for that user. However, this could also cause inconvenience for the user, as they would have to sign in every time they switch to a different Catalyst application. To prevent this, if you implement a Native Catalyst Authentication type in all of your Catalyst applications, you can easily set up Social Logins that will allow users to sign up to all your applications using credentials of trusted Identity Providers (IdPs).
Note: Catalyst's Multi-Org feature enables a Catalyst developer to be a part of multiple organizations, while registered with one Catalyst account. This means that if a user or a collaborator signs up for more than one Catalyst organization, they are assigned a different Org IDs under one ZUID for each application.

Last Updated 2023-05-08 18:05:05 +0530 +0530