Send Notification


This API is used to send push notifications to a web app.

Note: Catalyst Push Notifications feature is not available to Catalyst users accessing from the EU and IN data centers.

Request URL{project_id}/project-user/notify

project_id - The unique ID of the project

Request Method



scope= ZohoCatalyst.notifications.web

Request Body

AttributesData TypeMandatoryDescription
recipientsString[]YesDenotes the email address or the user ID of the user that the push notification must be sent to
messageStringYesDenotes the message content of the push notification


				curl -X POST \
  ' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"message":"Attention, new employees! Update your profile information in Zylker team app"


    "status": "success",
    "data": true

SDK code snippet

				String message = "Attention, new employees! Update your profile information in Zylker team app";
Boolean status = ZCWebNotification.getInstance().notifyUser(message, recp); //recp is the array of recipents			

SDK code snippet

				app.pushNotification().web() // app is the object instance generated from initialisation of sdk
 	.sendNotification('Attention, new employees! Update your profile information in Zylker team app', [''])
 	.then((result) => {
 	.catch((err) => {});