Reset User Password


This API enables you to reset the password of a user of your Catalyst application. When this API is called, an email will be sent to the user's email address with a password reset link. The user can configure a new password for your application and save it, upon clicking the link.

Request URL{project_id}/project-user/forgotpassword

project_id - The unique ID of the project

Request Headers

Content-Type: application/json
PROJECT_ID: {project_id}

Note: Catalyst does not authenticate this API request. Therefore, you need not pass an OAuth token or specify any scopes.

Request Method


Request JSON Properties

AttributesData TypeMandatoryMax SizeDescription
user_detailsShow propertiesJSONYes The JSON that contains the details of the user

user_details Properties

AttributeData TypeMandatoryMax SizeDescription
first_nameStringNo100First name of the user
last_nameStringNo100Last name of the user
email_idStringYesN/AEmail address of the user
platform_typeStringYesN/AAccepted values are web, android, ios
redirect_urlStringNo200The URL to be redirected to, after the user resets the password

SDK Documentation

Reset Password- Java SDK

Reset Password- Node.js SDK

Reset Password- Web SDK

Sample Request

				curl -X POST \ \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "PROJECT_ID: 1010309726" \
  -d '{

Sample Response

    "data":"Reset link sent to your email address. Please check your email :)"